Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Strange Day

I thought the moment Sean got me into the emergency room, he would make any excuse to disappear. "Thanks for bringing me here," I said as I filled out the paperwork required to see the doctor on duty that evening. "When I'm through, I'll call my mom, she should be able to come and get me." I was lying though, I didn't know if my mom would even be sober if I were to call her but I felt bad that Sean was here when he didn't really have to be - it wasn't his fault that his co-workers whistled at me and I fell like a moron. "You don't have to stick around."

"Mmhmm," was all he said as I handed the clipboard back to the lady behind the desk.

"Take a seat and the doctor will be with you as soon as possible," she smiled at me and pointed to the rows of chairs to my left.

After helping me to the chairs, Sean stretched out in the chair next to me. "You don't have to stay," I told him. "I'll be fine."

"I'm not going anywhere," he picked up a magazine and started to flip through it. "So save your breath Sunshine."

"Sunshine?" I laughed. "Do I look all bright and cheery to you?"

He lowered the magazine and gave me a once over. "Behind that mask you wear, yes."

"What mask?" I asked but he returned to the magazine, pretending to be wrapped up in it until the nurse came out for me.

As it turned out, I did manage to sprain my ankle. The doctor wrapped it, told me to get some crutches and keep off it.

"Where to now?" Sean asked once we were back in his car. "Are you hungry? I'm starving. Let's go grab a bite to eat down on St Micheal's street."

"No, I just -"

"I hear that the food at the Ember Cafe is really good, let's go there."

Without listening to my protests, Sean turned his car in the direction of St Micheal's and the Ember Cafe. It didn't matter that I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere in public while I attempted to hobble around on the crutches. It didn't matter that I really just wanted to go lie down because my head was starting to hurt. Sean wanted to go eat, so I was stuck going along with him.

"So tell me what happened with Devon." He had just come back from the bathroom where he attempted to clean up a little. He took a sip of his pop and raised a brow. "Did you break up with him? Or the other way around?"

"That's none of your business!" I snapped at him. "I don't want to be here, I'm going to call a cab and -"

"Good Evening, my name is Tracy, I'll be your waitress this evening." A tall blonde, over made up skanky whore hovered next to Sean's arm. "Are you ready to order or did you need a couple more minutes?" She asked Sean, completely ignoring me.

"I'm ready," he smiled at her and proceeded to tell her that he wanted a Philly Cheese steak with fries and gravy. When he was finished he turned to me. "What were you having?"

I rolled my eyes at him before giving the menu one quick glance. "I'll have the Hawaiian burger," I told her as I closed the menu, hoping she would disappear and never come back.

But she did come back, repeatedly. It was difficult to have a conversation with Sean with her always interrupting us to tell some story about people that we didn't even know or care about. Not that I wanted to have a conversation with Sean, well at least not about the subject he wanted to know about - Devon.

"Come on, why don't you want to talk about it?" He asked me when I told him to stop asking or I would kick him in the shin. "I think talking about it will help you get over him."

"I don't need your help to move on Sean, I'm quite capable of doing that on my own. Now," I dropped my napkin onto my empty plate. "Will you please take me home? My head is killing me."

He looked like he was going to protest but he didn't. "Why didn't you tell me you were in pain? Maybe I should take you back to the doctor, they could've missed something."

"No," I grabbed his hand as he started to get up. "I'm fine, I just have a headache, it's not a big deal. I'll go home, go to bed and I'll be good as new tomorrow morning."

He didn't look convinced but he agreed to take me home anyway.

I thought that the night would end and I would finally get a moment to think about everything that happened but when we got to my place there was a surprise waiting for me.


Melissa Robinson said...

uh oh Janie! dont fall for sean (at least not yet) oh-and is Tales of Transplanted Bostonian closed to anyone else?

Antoinette said...

Ya i couldn't get into it either... so sad...

Man it seems like Janie is being kinda mean to someone who is being pretty darn nice to her! What is going on with that girl???

Hadley said...

Not wanting to discuss her personal business is understandable, but yeah, she could have some tact with someone who is showing her kindness!

I can't read Shar's Transplanted Bostonian blog any more either :(

Vikki said...

Janie is just being Janie. It's nothing new. And I think Sean can handle it. He's a big boy. I'm really excited about what is gonna happen with them :^ ) Can't wait to read more!!

PCS said...

I bet its Devon.....

I cant read shar's either!!!

Anonymous said...

mlg--yes, her site is closed to me, too!
I'm guessing Devon's at her house.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get in either....I wonder what's up with Shar - I hope everything is ok!!

I can't figure out quite what Janie wants and am thinking she might just need some "me" time!


Anonymous said...

yeah wheres shar??!?
its cary or colin waiting for her!

DDgirl said...
